Driver for Ultrasonic Sensor

In this exercise we will write a driver for an ultrasonic sensor using the rosserial software package.

Communicating with Arduino

Install Arduino IDE on your system. You can find the IDE here.

Then download this sample code, compile it and upload it to Arduino. If you have never used Arduino before then ask for an instructor’s help with this part.

Back to ROS

In this lab we are using rosserial package to relay data from Arduino Nano to our ROS-based computer over a serial (USB) interface.

Install rosserial using apt.

$ sudo apt install ros-noetic-rosserial-arduino ros-noetic-rosserial

Then build the necessary libraries for Arduino.

$ cd ~/Arduino/libraries/

$ rosrun rosserial_arduino ./

Now open the Arduino IDE again and open up File > Examples > ros_lib > HelloWorld from the menus.

Upload this piece of code to the Arduino as is.

Then open up a terminal window and run from rosserial.

$ rosrun rosserial_python /dev/ttyUSB0

If your Arduino is connected to some other port than /dev/ttyUSB0 then modify the command accordingly.

These commands started a ROS node. Use the regular ROS commands to find out which node it started, what does it publish and observe the published data.

Read the Arduino code that produced this result and try to understand as much of it as you can. Ask the instructors about parts that you do not understand.

Integrating two pieces of code

Now it is time to put the previous two Arduino codes together.

Integrate the ultrasonic sensing code and the HelloWorld example into one file.

Then modify the code such that the data published by the node would be data obtained from the ultrasonic sensor instead.

Optional: visualize data

Visualize the ultrasonic data in Rviz.

Optional: move robot

Make a robot move back and forth according to how you hold something (your hand, a piece of cardboard, or something) in front of the robot. You can either make the robot just move forward when the hand is closer and backward when it is further away from the sensor, or you can try to mimic the hand’s position using the robot (the distance from the hand to sensor is proportional to the distance from robot to wall).