Creating Packages

In this exercise, we will create our own ROS package which we will continuously improve during today’s training. Eventually it will enable us to control the Robotont robot with the help of AR markers in the environment.

We already have a workspace, and have even used catkin build a few times. Now we will create our own package to run some custom code in the later parts of this training.

  1. Your goal is to create a Catkin package that:

    • has the name ar_control_robotont

    • has the following dependencies:

      • ar_track_alvar_msgs

      • geometry_msgs

      • rospy

      • tf

  2. To find out how to create a Catkin package, visit the ROS Wiki: Create a Package section and catkin_tools documentation.


    Remember that all packages should be created inside a workspace’s src directory.

  3. If you were successful at creating the package then there will be a folder named ar_control_robotont inside the src directory. Navigate into that folder and open the package.xml file for editing.

  4. Change the description, version, author and other information as you like.

  5. Finally, build the package with:

    catkin build
  6. Show the created package to the instructor.


If you forgot to add a dependency when creating a package, you can add additional dependencies in the package.xml file.